Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I have fallen off of the wagon lately with my blog :(    So many things have been going on in life that it seems finding the time to share a few lines has fallen between the cracks.  Not to mention that I was a little disappointed in the abilities to customize my blog.  I took it upon myself to see what could be done and VOILA I have brushed up on some coding and created lots of new elements :)     

To get myself back on track I spruced things up a bit and made things a bit more cheery! Y'all let me know what you think!  Feel free to comment!

With holiday season upon us I am hoping to do lots of seasonal projects and hopefully some personalized projects for friend and family! (hint, hint...)  With so many ideas swirling around my head it is hard to keep track of things sometimes... definitely makes it hard to choose which ones I want to do around MY house as well!  Between making treats and decorations for Halloween (which is always close in the running for my favorite holiday) my house will probably be a sea of orange and black mixed with flour and sugar within the next couple of weeks! 

I do have lots of catching up to do so be prepared for blogging overload for a few days!  Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!


  1. Added your block to my bookmarks--I want to try out some of those recipes! And I really want to make that Family Sign/Decoration! Love it! :)

  2. Girl, I have a bunch more where these came from! Let me get life back on track and I will hopefully have a new one almost every day :)
